Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Around my house, we are preparing to welcome a new baby.  Our third.  It has made our house a bit busier than normal.  Our oldest child will be 4 very soon.      She is busy with dance and Pre-K.  Our second child just wants to be like her big sister.  Sisters are sisters so they argue and fight over toys, clothes, who is closest to mommy.  They are loud!

On top of just their activities and projects, we have to get a nursery ready.  I am at the point in pregnancy where my stamina fades fast.  Thank goodness for my husband who still has his energy.  The man is getting stuff done for me.  I am eternally grateful although out of breath, it is hard to tell him.   

In the last few weeks, I have noticed my oldest showing signs of stress and anxiety.  She has always been a kid who puts everything in her mouth.  Rocks, mulch, thumbs, toys, utensils.  It truly has driven me crazy.  It was getting better but as I said, the last few weeks it seems her habit is back.  Then the comments about her tummy hurting.  All I can think of is she is anxious about another new person coming soon.

I have talked to her and praised her for being such a great big sister.  She really is great.  She can teach her little sister faster than I ever could teach her.  ABC's, 123's, songs, dances, drinking out of cups.  If only potty training was as easy to teach.

I asked her if she was excited or nervous.  She says, "I'm am so excited to have a brother!  I want to do EVERYTHING for him."  Still, her behavior indicates something is up.  

We have tried a few oils on her and I have found the best daytime oil to keep her grounded and focused is Balance.  But at night, she needed something different.  Lavender wasn't cutting it.  Serenity.....oh sweet serenity has done the trick.  

I rubbed 2 drops of Serenity of down her spine.  She loves the smell.  It is divine I must say.  Last night, after this application, she wanted to cuddle next to us on the couch.  Shortly after asking to cuddle, she asked to get in her bed.  For the first time in weeks, she slept in her own bed ALL NIGHT!  

No nightmares, no fight to get to sleep, no fight to get out of bed.  It was a great night followed by a great morning.  She woke up telling me her favorite colors instead how she was fighting some monster in her dreams.  She was excited to see her friends at school.  The morning was meltdown free. 

It feels so good to have helped my child find her serenity!  Stress is fine in small doses for short periods of time but held for too long or holding too much can wreck your life.  I don't ever want to be the stress of my child's life!

Do you need some Serenity in your life?  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My ode to Breathe!

My ode to Breathe!

As I write this blog, I will admit, my oldest kid went to the doctor yesterday.  I love my doTERRA oils but I use them in conjunction with today's Modern Western medicine.  My philosophy is both can do great things!

What I have found is that I can usually get relief and healing just from the oils.  I always go to them first.  If I can't seem to kick whatever ails me, THEN we head to the doctor.  After all, I am not a doctor.  I did not spend years and years and thousands of dollars to get an education as a doctor.  I did that to be a pilot.

But back to my ode to Breathe......

My oldest has been suffered with respiratory issues since 6 months of age.  Ear infections, coughing, runny noses, you name it.  The poor child has been on so many rounds of antibiotics, allergy medicine and other drugs.  I know that cannot be great for her body, especially her liver.  If too much Tylenol can kill you, think of all the other side effects or just watch a commercial.  YIKES!

Breathe is a proprietary blend of CPTG oils - laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, and ravensara.  They are potent.

We apply it to her chest and feet almost daily.  Her breathing would improve for hours with just a few drops.  The bonus, she loves the smell of Breathe.  She will actually ask for her oils.  In my book, that is a huge win!

I am also a huge user of Breathe!  Being pregnant, I am probably overly cautious about taking most medicines.  Call it paranoia but I will use a nasal wash and suffer a bit over taking loads of medications.  I read the side effects and they scare me but I suffer from allergies. Living in south Georgia does not help my situation.  

A few weeks ago, my head was just congested and I was miserable.  I applied a couple drops on my chest and a couple drops in my hands. I rubbed my hands together and cupped around my nose and mouth.  5 deep breaths later and I felt open and relieved.  My husband walked in on me and asked what the heck I was doing..."sniffing glue?!"  was part of the phrase.  Silly man, he does not suffer the sinus issues I do.  But he saw the dramatic difference in me.

Now, some of you might read this and think, the cost is going to stop you from trying this.  After all, you can go to a local drugstore and pick up Cold/Sinus medicine for about $10-20.  I know a daily chewable allergy medicine for kids is about $22 for  25 pills at my local pharmacy.  It is more for the adult version.  

A bottle of Breathe, which you can use on anyone in your family, comes in a 15mL bottle...about 250 drops for 11 cents (retail)/ 8 cents (wholesale) per drop.  You could care for your whole family for under $30 for an entire bottle.  

Add in the benefit that the shelf life of the oils is 7 to 10 years as opposed to most over the counter medicine that is about a year.  What becomes cheaper?  

There are no side effects of the oils either.  So although they are potent, they are extremely safe.  

If Breathe can kick my cough without OTC meds, you better believe this girl is going the natural way with my doTERRA oils.

Want more information on doTERRA's amazing oils, check out my website http://www.mydoterra.com/stephaniebader/

Monday, March 4, 2013

Welcome to Essentially Savannah

Welcome to the first blog for Essentially Savannah.  My plan is to showcase the many uses of the amazing oils from doTERRA.  The Certified Theraputic Grade oils are so versatile and can be used internally, topically or aromatically.  

So here is the Intro....and pictured above is the Intro Kit!

First question I usually get is "how did you hear about this stuff?"   One word....Mom!  My mother was introduced by a long time friend of mine to help her knee heal from abusing herself trying to "clean" the grout of her tile floors.  When it worked within just a few days, she told me about it.  I am a mom as well and have two awesome daughters.  It is just these two sweet girls don't always like bedtime.  My own mother knew of my struggle to have bedtime go well so she sent me Lavender and Lemon.  

I have tried essential oils before this so I was really not expecting much to happen.  After years of travelling for a living, I never found Lavender products to do much for my sleep.  Why would this stuff be different?  But to be nice and remain open minded, I gave them a shot.  One drop of each oil on each foot.

Bedtime went from a hour and a half struggle that makes political negotiations seem like child's play to 30 minutes and a question from my oldest..."can I go lay in my bed?"  After my husband and I picked our jaws off the floor, we gladly put the girls in their bed.  Done. 

Now, you would think we were convinced.  Nope.  I figured it was a fluke.  So we repeated the process.  After 4 days, we were sold.  We needed at the very least Lavender and Lemon oil.  

My mother had sent me a few more oils to try since I am also pregnant.  DigestZen became my own personal experiment.  Heartburn during pregnancy is just one of my many talents!  I can breath fire better than a dragon.  I tried it for 3 days and within seconds the heartburn was gone.  I was amazed.  Add that oil to the list!

Fast forward.  I ordered the biggest kit we could afford.  I started sharing the oils with friends.  I have not convinced everyone to love the oils as I do but I never give up.  

I have learned so many uses for the oils and just keep learning.  

You can check all the products out on my doTERRA site

or on Facebook: EssentiallySavannah