Sunday, June 9, 2013

Nutrition matters!

For years and years I have taken a daily multivitamin.  You have seen the commercials telling you that taking their daily vitamin will help keep you healthy, full of energy and happy.  I eat a pretty balanced diet which is mostly organic.  I truly feel that we can achieve better health by eating real food in a balanced diet and avoiding processed GMO free food.  It is a shame my sweet tooth rears it's ugly head so often but I am working on that. Thank you grapefruit oil!!!!

Prior to starting doTERRA's oils, I had tried both the store bought one a day type vitamins, the vitamin store specialty vitamin packs, and a vitamin company's line of "superior nutrition".  All worked well for me and my family.

I have been with doTERRA and loving their oils since October.  During my pregnancy, I took the store bought prenatal vitamins but knew I wanted to see what the hype about the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality pack was all about.  Many women use the LLV as their prenatal but I had a BIG bottle and needed extra iron.  My baby boy was born in April so in May I decided to give them a shot.

The doTERRA description goes as follows:

dōTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality supplements are formulated with potent levels of essential nutrients and powerful metabolic factors for optimal health, energy, and longevity. Coupled with dōTERRA’s CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils and a lifelong commitment to dōTERRA’s Wellness Lifestyle, they naturally support a lifetime of looking, feeling, and living younger, longer.
The dosage is 2 of each pill for a total of 6 in the morning and the same at night.  If you have never taken vitamins, you might want to start with a half dose.

So after a month of using them you are probably asking, do I notice any difference?   Do I like them?

YES! I really do.  The XEomega has a strong fishy smell but that can easily be dulled by storing the bottle in the fridge.  All are formulated with a "tummy tamer" so you don't have that vitamin taste in your mouth after taking them.  They are the first vitamins I can take before I eat breakfast without ruining my appetite.

What changes have I noticed?  I could give you the standard...more energy blah blah blah and that is true but my biggest change is in my skin, nails and hair.  I have never had exceptionally strong nails.  My hair has always grown normally.  After a month on the LLV, my hair and nails are growing exceptionally fast and remaining strong.  It kind of freaks me out to be perfectly honest.  But I have always heard, you can judge your health on the state of your hair, skin and nails.  I am less sick and have more stamina which is helpful for survival with 3 kids.

Today while getting things ready for work, I hit my thumb nail in such a way I expected to have the nail break and hurt.  Instead, it took a tiny notch out of it and the rest of the nail stayed intact and strong. I have had to cut them back weekly because they are just growing and too long to function.

I had my hair cut two weeks ago and my bangs have already needed to be trimmed.  Prior to the vitamins, it would have easily been 4 to 6 weeks before I had anything to worry about.  Being two months postpartum, I have expected to lose significant amounts of hair. So far, it isn't happening.  Fingers crossed that continues since I have never had exceptionally thick hair.  I am not asking for super thick hair but just a nice shiny head of hair.  Is that too much????

My mother has started giving the half dose to my 90+ year old grandfather.  He is a healthy guy but starting to suffer from dementia.  After a month on the vitamins, he actually came to her and told her he wasn't sure what she was giving him but he felt better than he had in years.  This from a man of very few words!

Finally a testimonial from my husband....another man of few words.  He is an oil user but just doesn't have much to say.  I know he likes things when he continues to use them and not just to be nice.  He actually started the vitamins before I did.  I would ask him, "do you feel different? better? blah blah blah"  His response was usually, "no, I don't feel bad but I can't say I see a huge difference."  And then, he ran out of them for two weeks.  He actually asked me when I was placing the next order because he needed his vitamins.  He had picked up a cold, felt tired and generally lousy in the two weeks of being off the vitamins.  He has not run out since!

So yes, I love the vitamins.  They are the best selling product offered by doTERRA and I now know why.

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