Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Emotion Commotion

Essential oils have been used for aromatherapy for centuries.  It wasn't until the 20th century that the term was adopted.  Most people are familiar with Lavender oil and it's calming properties.  But, the oils are extremely versatile for many other emotional issues.  Today's entry is just a few combos I have found helpful.

Lavender….it is a lovely scent and really can help you sleep better.  Why do you think there are so many nighttime lotions scented with it?  If you are like me, those lotions didn't do much for you.  Why?  Because they are using synthetic lavender and it lacks many of the natural properties to calm and soothe.  For the most effective use, you need pure essential oil.

Emotionally, lavender can help you be more verbally expressive by helping your body calm those pesky insecurities you might have.  Unlock your true self, release tension and be more honest in your own thoughts.  All this from one little oil.  How wonderful.

What can you mix Lavender?

Have a huge tension headache?  1 drop Lavender and 1 drop Peppermint rubbed on your forehead and the back of your neck will.  It works fast and effectively.  Bonus, you smell nice! 

I mentioned Peppermint.  Peppermint is a pick me up.  Just think of how the smell of candy canes can bring a smile to your face.  The scent can bring about joy, help overcome depression or pessimistic thoughts, and give you that boost you might need to get stuff done.   Both of these oils are included in the Intro to Oils kit.  Convenient!

A great mixture I love to diffuse:  Peppermint and Wild Orange.  I put 3 drops of each oil in a diffuser and as Peter Pan says, "Think happy thoughts."  Now, will you be off and flying to Neverland….probably not but you might get your house cleaned quicker!  This is also a great one for the back of your neck if you cannot diffuse. 

For a few weeks now, I will admit my level of frustration has been up.  Sometimes being a  work outside the home mother of 3 who is struggling to lose baby weight gets me.  And gets me GOOD!  When I am feeling completely done with it all, I have found Roman Chamomile and Geranium will do the trick.

Roman Chamomile helps to soften things.  Again, there is a reason calming teas sold everywhere are usually Chamomile based.  The scent is floral and lovely.  Add that to Geranium which has a rose like scent and you will feel the frustration wash away.  Geranium is great for restore goodness and trust in yourself and others.  

I apply this mixture to my chest and neck area.  

A book I have found to be quite helpful in my managment of emotions is in fact called Emotions & Essential Oils.  You can find the book on a number of sites.

For those of you not looking to stock up on a ton of oils just to blend for the occasional emotional outburst, doTERRA offers many blends.  The oils of the Mood Matrix is a great place to start.  If you have read this blog at all, you know my admiration of Elevation.

My sister and her family have recently made a huge move.  The stress of moving and the unknown of a new area have all been issues.  My sister admitted to me that without Balance and Serenity, she might not have stayed sane.  She did not want a drug like Xanax because of the many side effects.  Instead she used her natural "Liquid Xanax". Potent and pleasant smelling.

With holiday stress just a week away from overtaking our lives, arm yourself with natural alternatives.  Having just a few select oils can really help you remain calm, find the joy and keep your anxiety and stress down.  You have the power to enjoy your life!

To hear more about how essential oils can transform your healthcare, register to listen to the free webinar.  

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Some of you following this blog know that my real identity...aka day job, is as a pilot.  Yes, like big airplanes.  I was a huge fan of the phrase, "If it ain't Boeing, I ain't going."  But check out my current bird!  She is one awesome machine.   I spend more time teaching others how to fly her than I actually get flying but that is alright.  

How does this apply to essential oils?  Great question!  I am not exactly the person you think would be into natural medicine.  That is the thing about doTERRA!  It works.  You use it, it does what it says and you just want to keep using it.

But that is not what this blog is about today.  It is about oils and travelling.  

If you love to travel, hate to travel, travel for work or just take a yearly vacation the oils can really help you.  First off, you can take them through security.  The TSA does not restrict them as long as you follow the 3-1-1 Rule.

Most bottles of doTERRA are 15mL and you can fit many in a quart size Ziploc bag.  There are also great ways to carry them if you want to take just a little bit for a short trip.  You can use either a travel size carrier or recycle/re-purpose a Altoid mint tin.  They work great.  But what do you pack?


Well, there are a couple of options.  If you have a daily protocol, obviously you want those oils.  Let's say you don't but you want to be prepared.  The doTERRA blog has some great ideas how to make kits.

Now, since that blog entry was made, there have been some new, cool products announced.  One being DigestZen softgels.  DigestZen oil would work great too.  The softgels are just very portable!

This little gem will help keep you from suffering from stomach issues that can result from a change in water, soil, food, etc.  Let's face it, no one wants to travel across this awesome planet to end up seeing only a bathroom.

Then there is OnGuard+ softgels.  If you feel rundown or worry you have been exposed to a virus, this is the product for you.  I am testing it's potency out right now with the start of a sinus issue.  This little soft gel is my new protect and defender!

So far, I like the fact that if I feel a bit lousy it is very easy to take.  It will be just as easy to pack in your bag.

Now back to oils that I would take.  Peppermint!  It is going to help tackle headaches, upset tummies, and fevers.  The other great benefit of Peppermint is that it will help you perk up and tackle Jet Lag!  Add a little Frankincense or Wild Orange and really see a big boost.  As a mother of three, I use that little blend frequently to keep going around 3 pm.

Mix peppermint with a bit of water and spray down any hotel bed to help kill bed bugs as well!  

Let's say it is bedtime locally but your internal clock does not agree.  That is where I would break out Lavender, Serenity or maybe even Geranium.  All are great at promoting sleep.  

The best way I found to handle sleep issues on the road was to sleep when I was tired.  Of course as a pilot, I was never staying anywhere too long.  Sleep prevailed over sightseeing.  If you are on vacation more than likely you really want to see the sights.  Do your best to adjust to the time zone you are visiting.  If you land and it is 8 am, try to stay up and do all the normal daytime activities you want and possibly get to bed a bit early if you get tired.  It really does help you reset. 

OnGuard would be in my travel kit as well.  You can mix it with water in a spray bottle to make hand sanitizer.  8 drops to 3 oz of water is a potent mixture to help ward off those unwanted travel bugs.  It will just help you everyday keep the germs away.  Apply it to your feet daily for overall immune support.

I spend many days wandering how my world travel would have been very different if the oils were in my life "back in the day".  I am quite positive, my overall health would have been much better.  I am certain the many times I ended up with some nasty stomach bugs, I could have suffered far less.  At least I have them now and they will travel everywhere I go.

Now, who is ready to go here?

This is the Maldives....yes please!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Hairdo Hall of Fame!

As much as I try to do things organic and natural, I need and want my hair done.  I mean professionally cut and colored.  I fully admit, I am not ready to embrace the silver that makes an appearance now and again.  

Now, it takes a few dollars to get your hair colored by a stylist.  For me, it is worth it considering I have had some "self coloring mishaps".  It was not pretty!  I choose to not repeat those mistakes again.

Now, I started using the Wen products to help my color last.  It worked great and I was convinced I would never use another product.  Fast forward to the East Coast Conference in May.  They had this conference package available so I bought it.  In that box, was the doTERRA Spa Essentials hair care system.  Hesitant, I gave it a shot.  It smelled great, my hair looked great, my color still looked good and that was it.  I was hooked!

What did it?  Well, the smell.  The shampoo has Wild Orange essential oil in it.  It is bright, sunny and really helps wake you up.  The blend of oils in the conditioner is just lovely too.  My hair was silky and smooth.  

I was a little afraid of the Root to Tip Serum.  Oil on my fine hair has usually resulted in my hair feeling very greasy.  Just one pump of the serum and my hair smooth and frizz free but not weighted down.   Along with the Healthy Hair glaze which is like a great smelling hair gel, my hair held curl and style better than before.  

Root to Tip Serum is great for those who have dry scalp or dandruff.  

"dōTERRA Salon Essentials Root to Tip Serum is a professional formula infused with carefully chosen CPTG essential oils oflavender, peppermint, marjoram, cedar wood, lavandin, rosemary, niaouli, and eucalyptus China. Providing a healthy environment for scalp and maximizing the strength and shine of hair, this serum is powerful and lightweight for extended protection and hydration without weighing hair down or leaving an oily residue."

Other oils that help control dandruff is Melaleuca.  Just add 2-3 drops into your shampoo daily.  

Babies with Cradle Cap can benefit as well.  Just use Lavender, Melaleuca and Fractionated Coconut oil rubbed on their head, let set then gently brush away the loose skin.  We used this protocol on my son for two days and he has never needed another treatment.  My middle daughter had to be treated over and over again for her cradle cap.  Boy, what I would given to have had my oils back then!

Now some of you out there are thinking, great but what about hair loss.  Is there an oil for that?


For mild hair loss, use 1-2 drops of Rosemary in your shampoo daily.

For more serious loss consider one of these blends added to your shampoo:

Blend 1:
  3 drops Rosemary
  5 drops Lavender
  4 drops Cypress
  4 drops Clary Sage
Blend 2:
  8 drops Rosemary
  10 drops Lavender
  10 drops Sandalwood

Check out the doTERRA blog as well!  It shows how the pros use the products.

And just because I still think this video is hilarious....check out Rob Young and his day at the spa!