Sunday, May 12, 2019

Emotions & Physical are enough

Emotions. feel and it goes it motion.  Do you let it flow through you or find it getting stuck on your like tree sap?  We are more than our feelings.  Let me repeat that....we are more than our feelings.  

As humans on this planet, we are complex.  Our emotions are just one aspect of who we are, what our make up is and how we will thrive.  So many fall into the trap that their emotions call the shots when it is directly the opposite.  How you respond to all these events, items that trigger you, people that push your buttons is the real key.  

Am I perfect at this process.  NO WAY!  But I am committed to the process of improvement.  I oil up, I learn a bit each week and practice what I teach.  Do I get it right all the time.  NO.  I am human.  So are you, so don't expect to read a blog, read a book and viola' perfection.  It is a process of learning and growing.  

Give grace to you and others.  Apply a little Helichrysum to your forehead, maybe a little Douglas Fir to your heart, or a little Cypress where ever you feel stuck....just take a few deep breaths and you will know.

When you stop, listen and really calm the mind it is amazing how much you will start to notice within your own self.  It isn't everyone else.  Be the best you and the world will adapt.

Enjoy this video from the specials aren't available but the message remains.  Allow the emotions to flow.  You are amazing.  You are totally worth it.

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