Sunday, September 8, 2013

What a difference!

I am closing in on a year using the oils and products from doTERRA.  October marks the official year.  I have learned and experienced so much from being a true oil junkie.

My daily routine has slowly expanded and changed since I started.  What started out as a way to help my kids get a good night's sleep has morphed into truly natural healthcare for everyone in the house.  Everyone in the house has their own daily routine.  Dr. Hill recommends this routine as a great starting point.

Depending on your own personal needs, you can vary that to help your body heal it's self.

Along with using the oils, we have switched to mostly organic foods.  We have tried to eliminate as many GMO's in our diet as possible.

So what has changed around here in the last 11 months......

For me:  I made it through third trimester with my blood pressure in check.   My second pregnancy reuslted in 8 weeks of bed rest for hypertension.  Despite having my third C-section, I have been able to nurse my baby boy for over 5 months.  My nursing experience with the first two kids was significantly shorter and frustrating.  Thank you Clary Sage, Fennel and Basil!

I have kept my thyroid levels stable and not needed an increase in dosage. Thank you Lemongrass and LLV!

I am off all my allergy medicines and strictly use Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint.

Despite 3 kids, a full time job and all that goes with a crazy American life, I have not taken a Tylenol since October.  Peppermint or Past Tense takes any headache away.

For my oldest:  She spent a good portion of her young life catching every sickness that blew past her.  At one point they had her on 5 medications for sinus and allergy issues.  She has had two set of ear tubes as well.  Her tiny body has been pumped with so much stuff, I breaks my heart and makes me worry so much.

Since October, she has had two colds.  No ear infections.  She has been a healthy kid without antibiotics!

Her regime daily is Balance, OnGuard every morning.  Serenity every night for a good night's sleep.  She also takes an A2Z chewable as well.

My middle child has always been healthy but she gets Balance and OnGuard as well.  It keeps her out of trouble at daycare and germ free.  She is a silly girl who talks and talks and talks.  Balance helps her be her silly self without getting into too much trouble for talking.

My baby boy remains healthy and growing like a weed.  His biggest transformation is documented in The Spot.  Since that post, the spot has decreased even more.  It is almost gone completely.  Thank you Frank & Geranium!

Even my husband uses the oils and the vitamins.  His skin has improved.  Despite joining me in the business of life, he has not gotten sick and kept his energy up.  His one cold hit him hard when he went OFF the LLV. He immediately asked me to order him his own set.  He hasn't gone without them since.

On average, we were at the doctor for a sick visit with one of the kids at least every other month.  Since October, well visits have been our only reason to head to the pediatrician.  Less time off from work and school is a beautiful thing.

The oils do work.  They are simple and effective.  These are not the oils I tried so many years ago to help me with stress relief and restful sleep.  If you are on the fence about whether to try them, I can assure you, you should.  My house is happier and healthier because of doTERRA!

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