Monday, January 27, 2014

10,000 Steps to a Better Me!

So the buzz of New Year's resolutions have come and gone.  How have you done with yours?

I would venture to guess that "Losing Weight" is the #1 resolution made in the US.  If not #1 then it is in the top 5.  

Every year, I know I have made this a resolution for myself in some fashion.  Yeah, I have worded it many different ways but it all boiled down to the same thing.  I need to drop weight and be healthier.  My motivations have usually been for vanity.  Yes, I know my health will improve but honestly I just wanted to look better.

Year after year, I have failed.  Oh, one year I managed to drop 40 pounds.  It was awesome.  People noticed.  The positive reinforcement was amazing.  Then, I had baby #3.  Yes, I have been blessed but the fact remains, I need to drop the baby weight and beyond.  

Many months ago I blogged about breaking up with sugar.  Let me tell you, that is no easy process.  Sugar is addictive.  I have really struggled.

Now back to resolutions......

This year, AGAIN, I decided I would get healthier and lose weight.  The difference?  I asked for a FITBIT.   My birthday is in January so my lovely mom got me a Flex.  Why?  Because I needed accountability and the fact that I can wear this day and night lets me know exactly how much I am moving during the day.  My goal....10,000 steps everyday.  

Is it hard?  YEP!  My job has me trapped in a seated position for hours per day so now to get my steps I HAVE to exercise.  And since I am pretty determined to meet my goal, I now have to move to do that.  No more excuses to sit on the couch.

So how does this all apply to oils?  Well, directly it really doesn't.   

Walking is one of those exercises that for me doesn't turn into a sore body.  If I am at work for the majority of the day I have to find a way to get those steps and that is where I have turned to my elliptical.  It does make me sore.  Thank goodness for Deep Blue.

Through this journey to learn all I can about the oils I have come across two books I just love for emotions and well being. 

Let's look at the oils that might help you have more resolve for those resolutions......

From Living Healthy & Happily Ever After

If you need help curbing cravings:
Blend 6 drops Fennel, 3 drops Ginger, 2 drops Rosemary and 1 drop Black Pepper into a wick inhaler.  Whenever the craving strikes.....take a sniff!

To help you with Transition and Change:  (which of course you have to do if you make a resolution)
Mix 3 drops each in a roll-on bottle of Balance, Roman Chamomile, Thyme, Vetiver, and White Fir PLUS 1 drop of Lavender.

Roll on the top of the foot between the big toe and the index toe.  Roll on the back of your neck.

2 drops of Melissa under your tongue can help you more if the internal struggles are really bad.

From Emotions:

For Perserverance try Helichyrsum or Balance.

To help you center yourself try Vetiver, Roman Chamomile or Clove.

Resolutions really should be thought of as long term goals.  I think making a series of small changes will lead to big changes.  Baby steps to running a marathon!  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lotions and Potions!

Just a few days ago, I celebrated a milestone kind of birthday.  While I stared in the mirror wondering just how I got to be this age, my wonderful friends and family commented how I really don't look my age.  It  made me feel a little better….but I put on some Balance and Citrus Bliss to help me believe their comments.

I do think I have been blessed with good genetics in the area of aging.  My grandmother is in her 90's but most people guess her in her late 70's to early 80's.  

My mother is often asked if she is my sister. 

I tend to laugh when people comment and just feel it is my lack of maturity that shines through.  haha Afterall, I do laugh at many things 12 year old boys find funny!

But genetics aside, both my mother and grandmother instilled in my the need to take care of your skin.  After all, it is your largest organ!

As much as I like my still youthful skin, I tend to suffer from the same things I did in my youth.  Breakouts.  Personally, I think it is a crime that breakouts happen over the age of 20 but Mother Nature didn't ask me.  

doTERRA made me take a look at the way I was caring for my skin. 

Prior to doTERRA, I used many of the skin clearing blends.  I tried it all.  Proactiv, Clean & Clear, etc etc.  My skin did look better but there would be times I would have a reaction to the clearing agents in the formulas.  So imagine…..a couple big pimples and then red face to top that off.  Oh yeah, don't forget the oily T-zone shining away!  Just lovely.  ugh

Which type are you?  

As I got more and more into doTERRA, I saw the skin care line.  I was intrigued.  After all I would call myself and "lotions and potions" kind of girl.  I do want to stay looking youthful for a while.  Yes, it is pure vanity!  

I decided to order the Clear Skin set and the Invigorating Scrub.  The only issue, there was no moisturizer that seemed right at the time.  I was pregnant and avoiding as much "stuff" as I could.  A friend of mine said, "just use your FCO. It works great!"  

I politely said, "Thanks for the tip."  

In my head went something more like this….."OIL ON MY FACE!  Are you insane?  I will breakout like a kid in puberty! You are nuts!"

But…..since I was on a mission to try new things, reduce the chemicals I exposed the family to, I thought, alright, I will give it one week.  If my skin looks worse, I go back to my old regime.

After a week, my face felt smoother and softer.  No breakouts.  The one issue I was having was that using coconut oil was with my makeup.  My makeup just would not stay put through the day.  I adjusted to only using the FCO at night time instead of twice a day. 

The Result:  
Clear, soft, acne free skin for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Happy times!  Did I mention….NO BREAKOUTS!

The baby arrived and I decided it was back to helping prevent the wrinkles and aging again so I bought the Skin Care with Anti Aging Moisturizer Kit along with Immortelle.  

Immortelle intrigued me the most.  Since I was over the "oil on my oily skin", I really wanted to see how this oil would work around my eyes.  It has really helped lighten my dark circles and keep me from looking tired.  But this little roller ball bottle of oil can do much much more!

Today, I am still using this system.  I have used Immortelle on my scars from the C-section and seen a decrease in the appearance of the scar tissue.  Nice!

Then doTERRA did it again…..the released another skin care product.  The Reveal System.  As hard as I tried to resist, I just had to try it.  It was promoted as a spa like facial to help you with a healthy glow.  The pregnancy glow was gone and I missed it!  Add one set to the Loyalty Rewards order please and thank you!

I love this product!  It is easy to use, doesn't make a huge mess.  It doesn't ruin your washcloths and it works.  I use it a couple times a week and my makeup goes on so smooth.  

Until the end of January, this product is 10% off the retail price.  You should try it especially if you are on the fence.  

So the girl….yes I still feel like a girl!…..who was petrified to put oil on her face puts oil on her face and my skin has never looked better.  It still amazes me that it works, but it does.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

Shhhh....Let's just Whisper

Happy New Year everyone!  Life as I know it resumes again.

The holidays are wonderful.  They bring about so many things that remind me of all I have to be grateful for.  During my travels, I was able to meet so many new friends who love doTERRA and reconnect with so many family and friends I rarely get to see.  I even scored some jewelry.  Check out the awesome necklace I won at a doTERRA event between Christmas and New Years.


One "person" reconnected with me with very poor timing.  Aunt Flow.  She has the worst timing.  She loves to make me feel lousy.  This time around she gave me a hormonal headache from hell!  The common term is the Menstrual Migraine.  

The drop of estrogen and progesterone can trigger these migraines in some women and it appears I am one of many.  Some find relief by taking birth control.  Many will recommend taking NSAIDs such as Advil or Aleve.  I can tell you, neither option touched my headache.  I was miserable.  

Imagine packing up your family of 5 with a migraine that makes you want to hurl your breakfast while your 4 and 3 year old repeat your name every 5 seconds.  It was a rough day and on top of it, we were headed to a wedding.  On New Year's Eve!  I know you are jealous!

So you have the picture and my husband has asked me why we were packed so crazy!  haha

I pushed through.  I tried my normal headache rememdies....Past Tense, Peppermint & Lavender, Frankincense.  The relief was only minutes.  The headache would roar back.

Finally, I decided to sit and try evaluate my options.  I had this new oil for women I got from doTERRA for free...ask me how is called Whisper.

Through my doTERRA research I vaguely remembered someone pointing out that it was good for hormonal balance.  Since I knew this was a menstrual migraine, I thought it was worth a shot.  I was desperate.  So after I hopped out of the shower to get myself ready to shine at a wedding, I put a drop on each wrist.

20 minutes headache was not the only thing on my mind.  I could think, I could hold a conversation, I could manage, my head was not throbbing.  

I get myself all gorgeous...well as gorgeous as you can get when you apply makeup with migraine blinding you.  Pictures will tell the truth later.  I applied 2 more drops.  My headache decreased even more.  It was obviously noticeable since my husband said he could tell I was feeling better.  

So that little bottle went in my purse.  JUST IN CASE!  Off to drop off the kids and watch a wonderful couple say "I DO!"

Before dinner was served, I decided on two more drops.  Headache was GONE.  I felt like eating, I felt like chatting, I felt like laughing, I felt like dancing,  It was time to party!  

6 little drops changed my entire New Year's Eve!  Wholesale...the cost of my saved night was $1.74.  Totally worth it!  I can honestly say, nothing I did the rest of the night cost less.

I have read that Whisper can be your natural perfume.  It really does smell lovely but there is so much more to this little bottle of Whisper than smelling good. goes into some great detail.