As summer winds down....based on the calendar, not the weather.....I am having a whole new set of emotions surface. My oldest child will start Pre-K in just a couple weeks. In my mind, she was just born. It is truly bittersweet for me. I am so glad she is growing up but at the same time, full REAL school....oh my! Before I know it, she will be driving and dating.....bring on the anxiety.
Despite my mild case of denial, I know that I have to get ready for the "back to school" frenzy that is upon us. I will get the new pencils, crayons, backpacks, lunch boxes and this year....essential oils!
Let's face it, you put kids in a room together, add a change in weather and Boom!!! you have germs. To help my kids fight off as many as possible, we are using a daily dose of OnGuard as well as the A2Z Vitamins.. This year, we are using OnGuard beadlets. They are tiny beads that are easy to swallow. If you don't have the beadlets, a drop of OnGuard on each foot will help beat down the germs as well.
Diffusing the oils will be another big thing to help with the transition to school. doTERRA Living magazine has a great article to help with kids in the classroom. Citrus Bliss in the morning will help everyone get up and go. More importantly, they will be happier. Peppermint can help them wake up as well. It puts pep in your step! I find it is a great afternoon pick me up. Just a drop with some Frankincense on the back of your neck and you won't want that energy drink.

Topically, the kids will get their daily dose of Balance! Everyone needs a little balance in their life don't they?! 1 drop down the back of the neck and on the spine is a great way to get it into their system fast. Another great place to apply is the feet. Balance has a great scent too. It helps them stay calm and grounded and yet be kids.
When bedtime rolls around, the go to oils are Lavender or Serenity. If you have a really tough time getting to sleep there is a great blend called The Hibernation Blend that will do wonders for your sleep. Many people swear by this blend for sleep because it just helps them relax and drift off to dreamland.
Hibernation Blend
- 20 drops Frankincense
- 20 drops Bergamot
- 20 drops Roman Chamomile
- 20 drops Vetiver
For kids, use a 10 mL bottle.
For adults, use a 5 mL bottle.
I pray for an easy transition to "big girl school" for my oldest and quite frankly, me. I know I will need a little Elevation blend to get through the first day.
Here is to a happy, new, school year filled with lots of learning fun!!!!